Mysterious Red Stains Appear On Hands Overnight

Dear AA,

My boyfriend and I both believe in the existence of aliens and have reason to suspect previous abduction experiences, but we are by no means fanatics.

This morning we both woke up with brownish red stains that appeared on the palms of our hands only. The placement and shape of these stains suggest they came from something that we were holding onto. There is nothing in our home that could have possibly left these stains and there are no other stains in the bedroom. We are both positive that these marks were not there last night. And they won't wash off. Can you please let us know if other people have reported similar cases and give us some contact names of people we could talk to. Thanks.

None of us are 'fanatics', just ordinary people trying to make sense of a very baffling mystery in our lives. All our organization is trying to do is share information so everyone can make up his/her own mind as to what's going on in their lives.

To answer your question about these mysterious "red stains', if it helps I woke up last week with these rust-colored stains on the palms of both hands. Many visitors to this page have also reported finding similar stains on their hands, between their legs, and on the bedsheets. Samples have been submitted for laboratory analysis by MUFON and other UFO organization, but the results yielded no evidence of any exotic other-worldly elements. But the fact remains, we can't explain what caused the stains to appear overnight, and don't have a clue as to what they are.

Sorry, but we can't release the names and email addresses of those who contact our organization. But you can rest assured that MANY have reported similar red stains. -- Editor